Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hepatitis C - Fact Or Fiction

I have a very good friend who contracted Hepatitis C and lived with the disease for over 20 years. I am not sure that I even understood the disease and I am a physician. 80 % of people with Hepatitis C don't even have symptoms. The disease affects the liver and there can be significant damage by the time symptoms appear. The problem with this disease is the symptoms can come and go. The symptoms can be very mild and can be associated with the flu or a viral illness.The symptoms can last for weeks or months and because of the variability can often be missed.

One of the more common symptoms is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or chronic fatigue.Chronic Hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis, a disease which is more commonly associated with alcoholism.

So what types of symptoms should be concerned about?

If you have come in contact with a person who you know has Hepatitis C, you certainly should be concerned about unusual illnesses. If you think you might have been exposed to the disease and then get ill, you need to seek medical attention. The symptoms usually appear within five to twelve weeks of exposure. Nausea and vomiting for more than 2 days should concern you. If your skin or the whites of your eyes take on a yellowish tinge or your urine changes to a dark-brown color, you should seek medical attention.

There are a lot of books on the topic of Hepatitis C. I have information on my website about Hepatitis C.

You should know as much as possible about Hepatitis C if you or a loved one has the disease. The more knowledge you have of this common ailment, the better off you will be. Why do people take chances when there is help?

By Edgar Dapremont

Check Out the Related Article : Bone Cancer

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Ashley Smith said...

How do you get Hepatitis C? Is it contagious? Do you get it by sharing drinks with someone who has the illness?


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